Hélène Carrere


Directrice de Recherche

Activités - Fonctions

Objet thématique de rattachement : MaXIP

  • Chercheur en génie des procédés
  • Prétraitements physico-chimiques et biologiques couplés à la méthanisation et fermentation sombre
  • Intensification de la conversion de la matière organique en méthane, biohydrogène et biomolécules
  • Compréhension des liens entre composition, structure et biodégradabilité
  • Biomasse lignocellulosique, résidus agricoles, boues d’épuration


Parcours scientifique

  • Directeur de recherche au LBE-INRA depuis 2008
  • Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) de l’Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (2001)
  • Chargé de recherche au LBE-INRA 2001-2008
  • Chargé de recherche au GMPA-INRA Grignon 1994-2001, Procédés de séparation de fluides biologiques (adsorption, membranes)
  • Attachée Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche  (ATER) à l’Institut de Génie Chimique- Toulouse 1992-1994
  • Docteur en génie des Procédés de l’Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (1993)
  • DEA Valorisation des matières premières végétales (1990)
  • Ingénieur chimiste, école nationale supérieure de chimie de Toulouse (1990)

Publications principales

  • Eskicioglu, C., Monlau, F., Barakat, A., Ferrer, I., Kaparaju, P., Trably, E., Carrère, H. Assessment of hydrothermal pretreatment of various lignocellulosic biomass with CO2 catalyst for enhanced methane and hydrogen production. Water Research, 120 (2017) 32-42
  • Rouches E., Herpoël-Gimbert I., Steyer J.P., Carrere H., Improvement of anaerobic degradation by white-rot fungi pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass, a review, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 59 (2016) 179-198
  • Carrere H, Antonopoulou G., Affes R., Passos F., Battimelli A., Lyberatos G., Ferrer I.  Review of pretreatment strategies for improved feedstocks anaerobic biodegradability: from lab-scale research to full-scale application, Bioresource Technology, 199 (2016) 386-397
  • Monlau, F., Trably, Kaparaju P., Steyer, J.P., Carrere H, Alkaline pretreatment to enhance one-stage CH4 and two-stage H2 /CH4 production from sunflower stalks: mass, energy and economical balances, Chemical Engineering Journal, 260(2015) 377-385
  • Monlau, F., Sambusiti C., Barakat A., Quéméneur M., Trably, Steyer, J.P. and Carrere H., Do furanic and phenolic compounds of lignocellulosic and algae biomass hydrolyzate inhibit anaerobic mixed cultures? A comprehensive review, Biotechnology Advances, 32(2014) 934-951
  • Sambusiti, C., Monlau, F., Ficara, E., Carrère, H., and Malpei, F. (2013). A comparison of different pre-treatments to increase methane production from two agricultural substrates. Applied Energy, 104(0):62-70.
  • Monlau, F., Barakat, A., Trably, E., Dumas, C., Steyer, J.-P., and  Carrère, H. (2013). Lignocellulosic materials into Biohydrogen and Biomethane: impact of structural features and pretreatment. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 43(3):260-322
  • Monlau F, Trably E, Barakat A, Hamelin J, Steyer JP, Carrere H (2013) Two-Stage Alkaline-Enzymatic Pretreatments To Enhance Biohydrogen Production from Sunflower Stalks. Environmental Science & Technology 47: 12591-12599
  • Jard G, Dumas C, Delgenes JP, Marfaing H, Sialve B, Steyer JP, Carrere H (2013) Effect of thermochemical pretreatment on the solubilization and anaerobic biodegradability of the red macroalga Palmaria palmata. Biochemical Engineering Journal 79: 253-258.
  • Monlau, F., Sambusiti, C., Barakat, A., Guo, X. M., Latrille, E., Trably, E., Steyer, J.-P., and Carrere, H. 2012. Predictive models of biohydrogen and biomethane production based on the compositional and structural features of lignocellulosic materials. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(21):12217-25
  • Quemeneur, M., Bittel, M., Trably, E., Dumas, C., Fourage, L., Ravot, G., Steyer, J. P., and Carrere, H. 2012. Effect of enzyme addition on fermentative hydrogen production from wheat straw. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37(14):10639-10647.
  • Bougrier C.,Albasi C., Delgenès J.-P, Carrere H. Effect of ultrasonic, thermal and ozone pre-treatment on waste activated sludge solubilization and anaerobic digestion, Chemical Engineering and Processing, 45 (2006) 711-718